My Semi Schwarzlose build

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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by oakrodent »

Thanks guys.. still trying to work out the bugs. Have too many projects at the moment, and work has been hell so probably won't be able to get back to it any time soon
Spell check is down and I'm too lazy to get the dictionary
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by oakrodent »

Just an update. I got this back from the ATF at the end of Jan. Hope to get a chance this summer to dial it in.
Spell check is down and I'm too lazy to get the dictionary
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by 42rocker »

Glad to hear that you got it back from atf. Looking forward to seeing more post on this..

Later 42rocker
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by KABAR2 »

oakrodent wrote:Bob, I have no interest in getting into this with you, I don't know you and you don't know me, plus I really don't care. Just to let other people on the forum know, that an approval for one person is not an approval for everyone. This is directly from an ATF tech agent! Maybe he didn't know what he was talking about.
I guess you never heard GET IT IN WRITING! the opinion of an agent is worth just that... it's an opinion if one ends up in court and says agent Smith said so and when called agent Smith can not recall the conversation one is up the creek without a paddle that is why people submit questions in writting to the Tech branch and get it in writing from them. and as it has been said most semi-builds like the MG42 or 1919 are built to conform to an approval letter someone got at some time from the Tech branch There is a copy of the letter for the 1919 in a plastic baggie in the bottom of each ammo box so if I have an issue at the range I know I've always have copies with me.

I like others are very interested in your design I hope we will either see photos of the semi-mods here or a link to them on another forum soon.
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by KABAR2 »

Well upon reading the last posts it seems you are at least going throuh the ATF process...
so something changed here.... sorry if I came on a little strong but in some of your posts
you come across as a cowboy.... I know how to do it! and it'll be fine with the ATF....
my concern and others here is protecting this hobby photo's of your semi-mods will go
a long way for many of us having a better understanding of what you have been doing to defeat
the chance of FA function. Most of use asking the questions have been studying FA function
and how to defeat it to the satisfaction of the ATF weather it be reciever mods bolt and sear mods
or what have you...So I hope we see some photos this is a great project.
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by KABAR2 »

I Have one last question are you going to shorten the waterjacket back to the original WWI configuration or leave it converted to the later configuration?
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by pitfighter »

KABAR2 - I am the same as you -
I have limited experience in this field, still a novice, but, I have found that it is useful, if I keep my ATF paperwork (I color highlight the serial numbers on the paperwork to help with ID'ing in person) in plastic envelopes in a folder (also in a large zip-lock, along with copies of my permits and FFL.) with the guns whenever they leave the safe.

It never hurts to have it all available and neatly organized, and in one place.
Like a tax audit, I think it helps to look professional, neat and organized -

Good clear (professional looking) engraving on the guns receiver is also a major help - easy to match up to paperwork.

Looking forward to seeing the finished Schwarzlose!

Well done!

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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by dwmmg08 »

Any news on the Schwarzlose? Any anyone know of any parts kits for those out there??? Would love to have a full auto one, still working on that….. Need more $$$$. :(

Hopefully I can at least have one to shoot for the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Caporetto! :D
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Re: My Semi Schwarzlose build

Post by usmc8488 »

Here is my experience with home builds.

Fact ATF standards change over time, it 1980 you could build an open bolt ATF approved firearm, Not today.

If you are in the business of building and selling you need ATF approval regardless of what design you are using.

Here is what I do. If there is an approved design I follow it then DROS the gun when it is done to create a paper trail. If you don’t do that five or ten years down the road when standards change you can’t prove you built it in compliance at the time and it could be subject to seizure and you are subject to criminal action.

The only other way around this is to submit you specific firearm to ATF for approval. If you are not a manufacture it only covers that firearm.

For everything else you build carefully, give out you design, hope someone else gets it approved and when they do DROS yours to create a paper trail for the future. Otherwise when standard change and you can’t prove you built it in compliance you are screwed.
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