Bren Tripods a Study by 42rocker Different Types & Why

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Bren Tripods a Study by 42rocker Different Types & Why

Post by 42rocker »

Bren Tripod Basic info
Types and why they are thrown into what type.
By 42rocker
Please note I have learned a lot and I'm not an expert. But someone has to make a first effort on this.
So here goes. I will be asking several folks to help out. As I receive into I'll make the updates.

1st -- Mk1 The Early Tripod with everything on it.
Starting with the tripod head, it has a slot (with a release pin) for either a 2 piece front leg or Mk1 #3 rifle.
t slot  t1.jpg
Next the front leg is made of 2 pieces with an arm to receive and hold the Bren.
t f leg t1.jpg
Next the top of the back leg screws have release buttons (pins that hold the 2 piece front legs in the tubes)
No pic at this time
Without the release buttons
t end t1.jpg
2nd -- Mk1* Almost everything on it.
Starting with the tripod head, has that slot but does not have the release pin.
Next the front leg is 2 piece but does not have an arm to hold the Bren.
Next the top of the two back leg screws do not have holes in them.
t end t2.jpg
Both Mk1 and Mk1* have small thin traverse stops on the traverse, not the larger block like Mk2 stops.
t stop t1.jpg
3rd -- Mk2 The working Tripod that does not have everything.
Starting with the tripod head, it does not have a slot.
t slot no t2.jpg
Next the front leg is one piece.
Next the top of the two back leg screws do not have a hole in them
t end t2.jpg

4th -- Mk2* The folding tripod some call the Paratrooper model.
Starting with the tripod head, it does not have a slot.
Next all three legs are short. This tripod is low to the ground.
Next Most interesting thing of all, it folds.
As it's the only one that does fold, not a lot more needs to be said about it.
Both Mk2 and Mk2* have large block like traverse stops on the traverse .
t stop t2.jpg
Now I'm told that you can have a mix of lots of the above items, everything but the Mk2* ("Paratrooper model") that is.
I'm also told that there is also a list of serial numbers that can help telling what model tripod it is.
Still looking for that list and learning more.

So why here and not some other forum. Because I enjoy this one and I know how to use the software.
Now the info posted here you are Welcome to read review but this material and pics are mine and this sites.

Later 42rocker