Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

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Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by bmwr12 »

I will be recieving my Century M53 in the next week or so. I plan to use for live fire and reenacting. So what is the safest and most reliable way to blank adapt? The split barrel or the convential plug BFA? Also who makes the best blanks for a Mg42/M53? Thanks Mike
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by Blanksguy »

Hi Mike,
First, please read more on this subject in the "tacked" threads in the MG-42 Section.

Most of this will depend on the amount of $$$ you can/want to spend vs. the noise-level/"sound" that you want to hear from your gun.
1: Cheapest with restricted booster-cup/"Nozzle"........"BUT" less noise.
2: More expensive way......2-pcs. Blank-Barrel-Assembly, no booster-cup/"Nozzle"........."AND" more noise.

3: "Best-way" (my opinion after doing this for over 20-years making "Blanks" for reenactors and owning several full-auto MG34s and MG42s)
2-pcs. Blank-Barrel-Assembly in 8x57mm "WITH" two additional "rear-sections" made up in 7.62x51mm(.308) and 30/06. No Booster-Cup/"Nozzle"..........I can fire just about any "Blank" made in those calibers.

Who makes the "Best-Blanks"....(???????) (opinion again).....but all will be subject to what you have to spend......surplus .308 is running upwards of $15-$20 per 100 now.....and most "Blank-Vendors" are selling 8x57mm and 30/06 Blanks from $28-$30 per 100.....with the exception of Joe-Swanson who sells his Blanks at about $45-$55 per 100 plus shipping.

As a last note......please ask general "Blank-type-questions" for the MG42/M53 in the "Blank-Adapting the MG42/M53 Section" so that we can build more information into that thread.
If I can be of service after you get your M53.....please e-mail me at my below listed address.
If the question is of a "general-nature" about Blank-Adapting these guns.....I will re-direct you to the thread to ask your questions. Not to put you off....or on the "spot".....just to give others the same information.
Regards, RichardS in MI.
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by tomcatshaas »


I wish we could get a source or a group buy on option 3 barrel setup. I would like to do this as I believe we will all be shooting blanks in the near future.

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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by M1 Tanker »

Since you don't have yours yet, I'm guessing you didn't know that the Century/Wiselite Arms M53 says DO NOT USE COMMERICIAL AMMO right on the receiver, I would avoid blanks until you at least contact Century or Wiselite.
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by bmwr12 »

I would think they would say that as new ammo is made to different psi specs. I would think it would be no problem since real MG42 and Brp 42 can blank adapted and you should not use commerical ammo in those either.
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by FKpt.Fritz »

i am guessing to blank adapt a home built mg42 would be no different? where does one buy blank barrel set ups or the cone i cant find them on a search.....
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by M1 Tanker »

I don't think it has anything to do with pressures, I think it has to do with commericial primers. Having built my own, I know what an issue the can be.
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by Der Alder »

Just out of curiosity, what is the issue with commercial primers in these?
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by M1 Tanker »

Double taps is the biggest thing I've seen.
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Re: Best way to Blank adapt a Century M53

Post by 42rocker »

Well this needs to come up again with the new changed ammo prices. With the thought of now having to shoot blanks on us.

Later 42rocker
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